Voluntour Talking Points – Part 1

September 19th, 2011

We recently conducted a voluntour through the new building with the purpose of giving our volunteers a tour of the facility and provide hands on training at the same time. A highlight of the evening was the guided tour. Here’s part one of what we called our talking points for along the tour.

Parking Lot
There are 246 parking spaces. Normal parking spaces are 8 ½ feet by 18 feet. Our parking spaces are 10 feet by 20 feet providing spacious parking for everyone!

This property was originally purchased by the Kalkaska Church of Christ in 1984 with the intent of constructing a new building right away. At that time Eddie Bratton was the minister with Don Brown serving as youth minister. It wasn’t actually until 33 years later, on September 21, 2007 did we break ground on this building project.

This current building is 33,000 square feet, 3 times as large as our old building! It sits on 10 acres of land. Our next phase of building will be a multi-purpose room for the youth West of the current building. There are 88 interior doors – 30 on the main level and 58 in the lower level.
230 gallons of paint were used to paint this building.

Currently we’ve spent 2.8 million dollars on this building. The John C. Lasko foundation has provided a grant for $900,000. Monies have been donated by faithful members of the Kalkaska Church of Christ over the past 8 years through two capital campaigns. We are in the second year of our third capital campaign now.  We are currently $600,000 over budget. This is due to the decision to go ahead and finish the lower level including the kitchen. Originally, the plan to was only complete the main level and finish the basement at a later date.

This commercial kitchen will have a 3 compartment sink, stainless steel counter, and a dishwasher. We can wash a load of dishes in 6-7 minutes! There will be a 40” convection range with 5 burners, a double electric oven, and a warmer. The Stainless Steel Preparation Table or island is 4’ by 12’ with double sinks back to back. There will be a 24” ice maker, a 78” 3 door refrigerator, and 28” freezer.

The lights are all on automatic sensors. When you walk into a room, the lights should turn on automatically. After you leave, they will turn off according to the timer.

The building is a wifi hotspot! You should be able to access the Internet using your laptop, smartphone, or any other web-enabled device anywhere at KCC! Part 2 is coming soon!

Lights in Lobby

July 7th, 2011

Lights in Lobby

New lobby lights are now hanging majestically over the entrance. Cecil Dunn, construction manager, talks in the doorway down below.

Coffee Station

July 7th, 2011

Coffee Station

one of two coffee stations in the main lobby area for early morning java fixes!

Door Plans

July 7th, 2011

Brett looks over plans

Brett Gallagher looks over plans for placement of 84 door throughout the building. With a crew of 3 men they hope to finishing hanging all the doors by the end of next week.

Scott Family

July 7th, 2011

Rob & Travis Scott

Rob Scott with son, Travis, working at the new building. They’re plumbing the new baptistry.

Cecil landscaping on the South side

June 15th, 2011


North Side Painting

May 25th, 2011

Bruce ZennerSeveral people showed up to help paint the “North Side” of the church. Thanks to all the painters!

May 25th, 2011


May 25th, 2011


May 25th, 2011
